CS Acoustics is based in Waterloo region Ontario, Canada. Our interest and experience in room acoustics extends back into the early '90's when we had opportunity to build and install a complete room acoustics systems into a speaker demonstration room.  Our background is rooted in live and contract sound, primarily in the church community. Over the years various projects have been built and installed.This interest grew into a business in 2009 when we were awarded the acoustical treatment contract for a large local church.


We have developed our products and concepts over the years through collaboration with acousticians, sound contractors and the hands on experience of a wide variety of applications. Innovating, refining and developing unique solutions to deal with difficult acoustic problems: not only an enjoyable challenge but just plain fun!

We would invite you to sign up for our free newsletter "The Ambient Observer." Included are practical examples of how acoustics affect every day life, ideas on how to improve live and studio sound production through acoustically based tips and sometimes even fun or zany stories!


Our goal is total customer satisfaction. We would be pleased to help out if you have an acoustical issue!

Photo courtesy of JDB-soundphoto